What’s New in Know-How?
Intuition has released the latest version of Know-How, the premier digital learning solution for financial services.
This release features several updates, including:
- Four new tutorials and 38 redesigned/updated tutorials (including a further 26 tutorials that are now mobile-compatible).
- Approximately 60 new/updated video nuggets.
- Three new tutorials on various applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in banking and finance.
- Brand new tutorial on important new EU rules in the ESG space, namely the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
- Updates to tutorials in Know-How’s Banking and Finance course.
- Redesigned and updated versions of popular tutorials in our Introduction to Derivatives course.
- Updates to 10 Swaps tutorials to take into account the market changes brought about by the ongoing replacement of LIBOR as a benchmark rate.
- Updates to 12 Foreign Exchange (FX) tutorials.
To learn more about Know-How, watch the video below or if you would like to gain a better understanding of the updates mentioned above, scroll past the video to read the full article.
New, Redesigned, and Updated Tutorials
Know-How’s already-impressive catalog continues to grow as 4 new tutorials are added to the library along with the redesign of and updates to 38 tutorials.
You can learn more about this newly added/updated content below.
Sixty New/Updated Video Nuggets
In this release of Know-How, 60 individual video nuggets have been added to/updated in the library across various tutorials, further expanding its comprehensive bank of video content.

New Tutorials on AI in Banking and Finance
Intuition has added three new tutorials on artificial intelligence in banking and finance:
- AI Applications – Credit Risk
- AI Applications – Fraud & Compliance
- AI Applications – Wealth & Asset Management
Brand New Tutorial on new Rules in the ESG Space
This release of Know-How boasts a brand new tutorial on important new EU rules in the ESG space, namely the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
The tutorial is entitled:
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Eight Redesigned and Updated Banking and Finance Tutorials
Eight tutorials in Know-How’s Banking and Finance course have been redesigned and seven of these eight have been updated.
The eight tutorials are:
- Banking – Primer (Redesigned)
- Business of Investment Banking (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Corporate Banking (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Consumer (Retail) Banking (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Asset Management (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Wealth Management (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Pensions & Retirement (Redesigned & Updated)
- Business of Insurance (Redesigned & Updated)
Redesigned and Updated Introduction to Derivatives Tutorials
Five tutorials in Know-How’s course on Introduction to Derivatives have been redesigned and updated.
These tutorials are:
- Derivatives – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- Derivatives – Markets (Redesigned & Updated)
- Forwards & Futures – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- Options – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)

Updates to 10 Swaps Tutorials
Ten Swaps tutorials have been updated and/or redesigned.
The 10 tutorials are:
- Swaps – Applications (Updated)
- Swaps – Bootstrapping Zero Curves (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – Sensitivities & Risk Management (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – Basis Swaps (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – Currency Swaps (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) (Redesigned & Updated)
- Swaps – Asset Swaps (Updated)
- Swaps – CSAs & Collateral (Updated)
- Swaps – Exotic Structures (Updated)
- Swaps – Book Management (Updated)
Updates to 12 Foreign Exchange Tutorials
Eleven foreign exchange tutorials have been updated and/or redesigned.
The 11 tutorials are:
- The Foreign Exchange Business (Redesigned & Updated)
- FX Spot Market – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- FX Spot Market – Trading (Redesigned & Updated)
- FX Forward Market – An Introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- FX Forward Market – Calculating Swap/Forward Points & Cross Rates (Updated)
- FX Forward Market – Uses of Outrights & FX Swaps (Updated)
- FX Forward Market – Short-Dated Outrights & FX Swaps (Updated)
- FX Forward Market – Cross-Currency Borrowing & Investing (Updated)
- FX Forward Market – FX Swap Trading (Updated)
- FX Forward Market – Non–Deliverable Forwards (NDFs) (Updated)
- Foreign Exchange – Factors Influencing Exchange Rates (Updated)
- FX Swaps & Outrights – Scenario (Redesigned & Updated)

Other Tutorial Updates
There have also been updates to 14 other tutorials across various courses.
The 14 tutorials are:
- Investment – An introduction (Redesigned & Updated)
- Global Financial Crisis – Causes, Impact, & Legacy (Redesigned & Updated)
- Ireland Anti-Money Laundering (AML) (Redesigned & Updated) (Optional)
- Interest Rate Risk – An Introduction (Updated)
- Interest Rate Risk – Measurement (Updated)
- Interest Rate Risk – Management (Updated)
- Relative Value Trading (Updated)
- Money Market Securities – An Introduction (Updated)
- Loan Trading (Updated)
- Corporate Banking Products – Accounts Receivable Finance (Updated)
- Corporate Banking Products – Risk Management (Updated)
- Credit Risk Management – Risk/Reward (Updated)
- ALM & Treasury Operations (Updated)
- Option Trading – Spread Strategies (Updated)