Improve Organizational Performance: 10 Corporate Learning Tactics
This paper brings you through the state of the learning and development industry, covering:
- The changing face of corporate learning
- How it can be aligned to a corporate strategy
- Why a learner-first approach is so important
- And the major tactics that can be used in a modern corporate learning strategy
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What is covered?
The changing face of corporate learning
In an unprecedented global shift toward digital in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses were forced to adapt and adopt operations in a bid to maintain organizational progress. In response to this shift toward the virtual world and its resulting flexible working methods, corporate learning has had to change not only where it is delivered, but how.
Aligning L&D to the corporate strategy
With this shift to a virtual-dominant world has come necessary changes in both the skill needs of an organization along with its overall direction/strategy. What has not changed is the importance of alignment between the two.
Adopting a learner first approach
When it comes to making decisions about a learning program, learners are in fact rarely at the centre. Oftentimes, a learning champion will work in isolation with their team to create and implement a program with little to no feedback coming up the line from the end users.
10 corporate learning tactics
Learning and development (L&D) departments exist to impact on business through the development of skills in the workforce. L&D drives business performance and growth, but what are the explicit tactics used to achieve this goal? How can they be applied? And what are their benefits?