About Bebito Samji

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So far Bebito Samji has created 5 blog entries.

Banks & Regulators Disagree On Cost Of Basel III Framework

Banks & Regulators Disagree On Cost Of Basel III Framework Banks have begun to grapple with the costs of implementing the Final Basel III Framework. European banksʼ estimates put the price tag of meeting increased capital requirements at around €400 billion and they warn that the rules could shrink lending by as much as €2.9

By |2025-02-28T12:27:38+00:00December 13th, 2019|Finance, Learning Insights|0 Comments

Down, But Not Out: The Current State of Investment Banking

Down, But Not Out: The Current State of Investment Banking Investment banking has had a difficult decade. Tight new post-crisis rules decimated trading revenues and a sluggish global economy sent advisory arms into a slump. At the same time, evolving technologies have placed a strain on business models and changing staffing needs have made finding

By |2025-02-26T16:42:57+00:00December 13th, 2019|Finance, Learning Insights|0 Comments

Learning Delivery Essentials: Micro, Mobile and Multi-Device

Three Essentials of Every Learning Delivery: Micro, Mobile and Multi-Device In recent blogs we have highlighted some of the current innovations and emerging trends in learning delivery channels, from video to mixed realities to the rise and rise of the virtual classroom. Whatever the choice or blend of delivery channels, there are three

By |2025-02-28T14:47:40+00:00September 26th, 2019|Corporate Learning, Technology|0 Comments

Commercial Real Estate Boom Turns Bust As Pressure Piles On

Commercial Real Estate Boom Turns Bust As Pressure Piles On After collapsing during the financial crisis, commercial real estate (CRE) has enjoyed a decade-long boom. Fueled by historically low interest rates, the sustained CRE bull market has seen prices hitting all-time highs from Asia to the Americas and beyond. However, clouds are gathering on

By |2025-02-28T11:33:21+00:00September 26th, 2019|Finance, Learning Insights|0 Comments

Energy Revolution: Fracking Is Out, Renewables Are In

Energy Revolution: Fracking Is Out, Renewables Are In The coal and oil and gas (OG) industries are experiencing a period of upheaval. Demand for cleaner, low-carbon electricity is driving a switch away from coal and oil to natural gas and renewable energy. At the same time, the fast-growing shale industry – which uses

By |2025-02-28T11:33:55+00:00September 26th, 2019|Finance, Learning Insights|0 Comments
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